Sunday, April 19, 2009

Silver Volvo!!!

OMFG!!! Guess what?! I HAD A SILVER VOLVO PARKED IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE TODAY!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! Not many people get to have that oppurtunity! If you've read Twilight (and liked it!), you should so totally understand what this means to me!!! But it wasn't Edward, sighh..... Just some stupid lady doing some stupid thing. Why do stupid people that do stupid things have to tease me like that! Grrr!!! LOL.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

They see me skatin', they laughin'...

Well, today I'm going to go rollerblading! Yay!!!! But the thing is, I sooo suck at doing so! Well, I guess a severely sprained ankle right before you go to Miami is never a bad thing! I'll be with friends so we'll have fun sucking together, yes! Oh, and another thing. I'M GOING TO MIAMI TOMORROW!!!! YAY!!!!!! Well, hopefully yay. If this trip turns out being terrible, then no!!!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Okay, so UNC is so going to win! How do I know? Well, they just have to! Anyways, I already ate a piece of our UNC victory cookie they're gonna win, okay?! I didn't actually think Carolina would get this far until my mom told me today that the final game was tonight. I was surprised, but happy!